National Bass Day will live on

Edited 8th July 2020

It was inevitable in the current crisis that I would have to announce the postponement of National Bass Day (now cancelled – please see below). From an idea that started over a pint of Draught Bass in a village pub in the Peak District it’s grown into a wonderful campaign that’s been supported by many.  My heartfelt thanks to those who’ve supported the idea of a crowd-sourced list of Bass pubs culminating in National Bass Day.


I’m sad, but more importantly, I’m extremely sad for those publicans who sell Bass and have been so supportive of the campaign. I wish you well and promise the Bass drinkers will be back.

Given the current circumstances (as at July 2020), National Bass Day 2020 is cancelled. Why not have a pint or two of Bass locally on 22nd August to celebrate this great beer.

National Bass Day 2021 will be on Easter Saturday, 3rd April 2021.

Obviously if some pubs are open (or doing take-away Bass) and on Easter Saturday this year by all means enjoy your beer. However keeping the NHS going has to be everyone’s priority. If you’re at home on 11th April. pour yourself a beer and raise a glass to a day that will come again.

Let’s keep National Bass Day going in 2021 and onwards.

Look after yourselves.

All the best.  Ian



  1. Hello Being an ex-Midlander and Bass lover, can you recommend any draught Bass outlets in Devon or Somerset please? I’m forced to get bottles from Asda, better than nothing, but not the same as draught. Recommend the Severn Stars in Falmouth, Bass by gravity from the barrel and wonderful pub untouched since the Coronation, but not sure which one!


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